Boards & Commissions


Governor-Appointed Boards & Commissions

Governor-appointed boards and commissions can be created by executive order, state laws and rules, or federal statute or regulations. Typically, members are appointed by the Governor, General Assembly leadership, or the Governor’s Cabinet. More information about all Governor-appointed boards and commissions in Colorado, and the application for them, can be found on the Governor's Boards and Commissions website.

Internal Boards and Commissions

Internal Boards and Commissions are groups typically created internally by the Department, or externally through legislation. These groups advise the Department, the Governor, or the General Assembly on department-specific programs, policies, and priorities.


Contact and Accommodations:

CDLE is committed to providing equal access to our meetings for all participants. If you would like to request an accommodation to attend an open meeting, please feel free to reach out to the administrator of the particular board or commission, or Caitlin Adams at caitlin.e.adams@state.co.us or (256) 466-5935, with your request by the close of business at least one week in advance of a meeting.