Delivery Network Company (DNC)

New: The Delivery Network Company Deactivation Policy Submission Form is now available. DNCs may begin submitting their deactivation policies to the Division.

Reporting & Transparency Requirements

In 2024, House Bill 24-1129 was passed, adding Colorado Revised Statute § 8-4-126 to the law. This statute establishes certain driver protections and transparency standards for Delivery Network Companies (DNCs) operating in Colorado. Under this statute, DNCs must provide various disclosures to the Division of Labor Standards, drivers, and consumers. 

Colorado Revised Statute § 8-4-126 defines a  “Delivery Network Company” or “DNC” as “any person that sells the delivery of goods or services, including delivery provided as part of the sale of goods, in the state of Colorado and that engages or dispatches delivery drivers through a digital platform".

Current and Upcoming Requirements under the Delivery Network Company Transparency Act ("DNC Act")

A timeline of important dates for DNCs to be aware of:

DateWho?Task DescriptionHow to
On or before 5:00 PM MST December 2, 2024DNCs that want their Deactivation Policy to be effective January 1, 2025.*DNCs must submit deactivation policies to the Division if the DNC would like to begin enforcing the policy on January 1, 2025.DNC Deactivation Policy Submission Form
Before January 1, 2025All DNCsSubmit Deactivation Policies to the DivisionDNC Deactivation Policy Submission Form
January 1, 2025Drivers/ ConsumersDrivers and consumers may submit a DNC complaint to the DivisionDNC Complaint Form [coming soon]

*Note: A DNC’s deactivation policy is not enforceable until it has been published on the Division’s website for 30 days.

For more information, refer to INFO #23A Delivery Transportation Companies (DNCs): Driver Rights and Labor Transparency on our Guidance page.

Deactivation Policy

DNCs providing services in Colorado are required to develop and maintain an “account deactivation policy” applicable to their drivers. This policy must be in writing and define what constitutes a violation that may result in an account deactivation. The policy must be available and provided to drivers in English, Spanish, Arabic, Amharic, Swahili/Kiswahili, Nepali/Nepalese.

Delivery Network CompanyDate Published*EnglishSpanishAmharicArabicNepali/NepaleseSwahili/Kiswahili
Grubhub Holdings, Inc.12/2/24Grubhub Deactivation & Fraudulent Use Policy - English (PDF)Política de uso fraudulento y desactivación de socios de entrega de Grubhub (PDF)የማዳረስ አጋርን አካውንት ከአገልግሎት ውጭ ማድረግ እና የተጭበረበረ አጠቃቀም ፖሊሲ(PDF)

سياسة إلغاء تفعيل حساب شريك التوصيل والاستخدام الاحتيالي (PDF)

डेलि भरी साझेदार नि ष्क्रि यता र धोखाधडी प्रयोग नीति (PDF)Grubhub Sera ya Kuondoa Uwezo wa Washirika wa Uwasilishaji na Matumizi ya Kilaghai (PDF)
Doordash, Inc.12/2/24Doordash Deactivation Policy - English (PDF)Política de Acceso a la Plataforma de Proveedor de Servicios de Doordash (PDF)የ DoorDash አገልግሎት አቅራቢ መድረክ አጠቃቀም ፖሊሲ (PDF)

ب أ شن الوص ول إلى م ن ص ة مقدم الخ دم ة DoorDash سیاس ة ش ركة (PDF)

DoorDash सेवा %दायक )लेटफम . पहुँच नी6त (PDF)Sera ya Ufikiaji wa Jukwaa la Mtoa Huduma ya DoorDash (PDF)
Walmart, Inc.12/2/24Spark Driver Deactivation Information Sheet - English (PDF)Hoja de información de desactivación de Spark Driver (Word)የስፓርክ አሽከርካሪ የማስወገድ መረጃ ሉህ መግቢያ (Word)

صحيفة معلومات إلغاء تنشيط حساب سائقي Spark (Word)

स्पार्क ड्राइभर निष्क्रियता जािर्ारी पािा पररचय (PDF)Karatasi ya Taarifa ya Kuzima Spark Driver
Utangulizi (Word)
Shipt, Inc.12/2/24Shipt Deactivation Policy - English (PDF)Directrices de acceso a la aplicación Shopper (PDF)የ Shopper መተግበሪያ አጠቃቀም መመሪያዎች (PDF)

Shopper إرشادات الوصول إلى تطبيق


Miongozo ya Ufikiaji wa Programu ya Mnunuzi (PDF)
Uber Technologies, Inc. (Uber Eats)12/3/24Uber Deactivation Policy - English (PDF)Uber Deactivation Policy - Español (PDF)

Uber Deactivation Policy - Amharic (PDF)

Uber Deactivation Policy - Arabic (PDF)


Uber Deactivation Policy - Swahili/ Kiswahili (PDF)
Amazon12/3/24Amazon Flex Deactivation Policy - English (PDF)






Roadie12/12/24Roadie Colorado Deactivation Policy - English (PDF)Roadie Política de desactivación de Colorado (PDF) Roadie የኮሎራዶ ማሰናከል ፖሊሲ (PDF)

Roadie  ﺳﯿﺎﺳﺔ اﻟﺘﻌﻄﯿﻞ ﻓﻲ ﻛﻮﻟﻮرادو (PDF)

Roadie कोलोराडो 􀀁निष्क्रयता नी􀀁त (PDF)Roadie Sera ya Kuzima ya Colorado (PDF)

*Note: All deactivation policies are enforceable starting 30 days from the date published.

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